Cute Spring/Fall Trends + HUGE GIVEAWAY Winners Announced!!

Hello my loves!
I want to start off by saying a BIG THANK YOU to everyone that entered my huge international Giveaway. I expected a few people to enter..Not over 700!! That is insane!
Thank you for all …

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How to Top Knot + Romwe Clothing Sale!!

 Happy Monday! 
This may be one of my most frequently asked request! How I do my Top Knot Hair do!
It’s as simple as one, two, three! 
As shown in the video, the same …

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The Lash Effect!

Happy Sunday Beauties!
Lashes may be underrated, whether it’s using 2 or 4 individual lashes on the outer corner of your eyes, or a full set, they simply allow your eyes to have that “pop” and “flutter” effect.

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Review: July Lust Haves!!

Hello my Beauties!

I decided to have a midday break from work to write all things lovely about Lust Haves! 🙂 
As I sit here trying hard to concentrate on my thoughts, of course Bella needs the urgent feel of attention pouncing on …

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How to Style Current Trends:Florals & Prints!!


Hi my Loves!!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I must say I’m quiet excited to share this next video with you all, for a few reasons! Firstly as I mention in the video..I will be having my own Collection on Hex …

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Review: Orly Magnetic FX!

Happy Monday night my Loves! 
Sitting wearing 2 layers of clothing, all snuggled up in front of the desktop, I have the milk heated with honey on my right and a stack of the latest fashion magazines on my left.
 I absolutely …

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