Happy Thursday my beauties!
The one thing I have always been asked about, ever since I’ve been on the internet, is my hair. This is a topic I get questioned about every single day and I feel like it’s become a favourite topic of mine to speak about.
Now there is so much to do, as well as little changes that can allow your hair to grow and become healthy, or not, if not done. Below I will be giving you my favourite tips and links to my all time favourite products, that can help you grow your hair long and healthy! Enjoy!
1: Use Hair tools that will protect your hair, rather than breaking it.
Now I try to stay away from heat, however if my hair needs to be tamed or styled, I will go for a tool that will help it become soft and luscious, yet keep it healthy. I recently discovered Luxurico & their all in one styling tool.
The tool is hot and ready to be used in literally a few seconds, it has multiple temperature settings, which helps you protect your hair and controls how much heat you want on your hair exactly. It has professional titanium plates, which allow your waves and curls to last so much more longer. Now, I have quite thick and long hair, so what normally takes me hours to tame, only takes me a few minutes with luxurico! Give it a try! : )
2: Drink, eat & apply coconut oil EVERYWHERE
Now I don’t literally mean anything by the title, but seriously, coconut oil has helped me in so many ways, it’s insane. Having blonde hair for a few years now, I need all the help I can get when it comes to products that can make my hair feel alive! I started cooking with coconut oil, then I began applying it to my hair..(well actually drenching my hair in it) and it works! My hairdresser even asked me why my hair was healthier all of a sudden! yay : )
3: Regular shmegular trims
Now I know you hear this all the time, but get this..this actually works! Shocking I know. For several years I put up a fight against everyone that claimed a hair cut or trim would allow my hair to be healthier. However, it only took me several years to realize, they were right. I began having regular cuts and trims when I moved to LA (because my hairdresser demanded I get one haha) and I haven’t looked back since. My hair is so much more thicker now, it’s all one length and so luscious.
4: Eat Right & use the right products
This might as well be an urban myth we all tend to avoid at times, however it couldn’t be more relevant, even if it tried! Eating the right foods, will literally be apparent in the way your skin glows, the way your nails grow and the way your hair looks. The more clean, fresh and organic you eat, it will mirror your physical appearance. This also goes for the right products. Begin using organic and more natural products and you will see the difference!
Now I have placed below my current favourite, let me know if you’ve trued any of them! 🙂
Have a beautiful weekend!