Cher Lloyd – Want U Back Makeup Tutorial & I’m in Girlfriend’s One Direction Magazine!


Hello my Loves!!
I have been so busy recently, that this morning as I woke up, I legitimately tweeted my happiness about the fact that it was Friday , chanting “TGIF”..It didn’t take too long for my lovely Followers on Twitter to remind was …

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My Mum’s Makeover!!!

Presents to one side and the love we give to our mothers on the other…I decided to do a makeover on my mummy!
From a young age, I have always admired her fashions sense, the way she carried herself and the way she was presented. Although …

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21 Reasons I loved being 21.

It’s currently 11:08pm May the 13th, as I type this..In about 40 minutes, I will be turning 22. No , I never thought I’d be sitting down blogging right before my birthday, but earlier this morning I wrote this in my diary and I thought I’d share the 21 reasons I loved …

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The Perfect Mother’s Day Gift

It’s one of those Sundays, I’ve grown up loving and its 3 days away.

As a child, each year on Mother’s Day, my younger sister and I would make my mum breakfast in bed and wrap up toys that we had …

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Review: April Lust Haves!!


A person that finds…Shares…right?! 
As much as I’d like to think I invented the whole idea of apples & peanut butter, I didn’t… Although Let’s just pretend I did for the duration of this post 😉 So it’s basically what I’m obsessing over now as …

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A Quality Foundation: Glo.minerals Powder Foundation & Revive Hydration Mist


Good morning my Loves!
It’s currently bright & early in Australia..And believe or not, this is one of my favourite moments in the day.  You’re fresh, there’s energy and you get to start another beautiful day…Bliss! 
If you have …

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