Glam Lilly Ghalichi Makeup Tutorial!

It’s 6am on Good Friday currently and as I sit here, all I can hear all these cars speed by, preparing themselves for the joy in their long weekend. 

Anyway, Lilly Ghalichi is one of those stars that you know will be making it big, sometime soon.

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Current Fashion & Beauty Favorites! ♡

Happy Friday my Beauties!
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, there’s something about Fridays that I have absolutely adored since I was a child. I don’t think it was  the reason that it was a day before the weekend, …

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How I got rid of my Acne & got Clear Skin!

Good morning my Beauties! 

I must admit this is probably one of the earliest times that I am blogging.
It’s currently 6:54am and I’m loving the crisp, fresh air that is surrounding us whilst I blog! 

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Handbag Essentials | WIN whitney Leather Bag!!!

Happy Thursday my Loves! 

I get asked a lot of questions on my Channel and Facebook page daily. One of the things I get asked often is what type of bag I use and what I carry inside it.

Therefore, I decided …

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Benefit’s Fake Up Launch!

Good Morning my Loves!

Last thursday I was kindly invited to the amazing Launch of the Benefit “Fake up” Hydrating concealer, by the beautiful people at Maxted Thomas.

Walking into the event, I felt like …

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Valentine’s Day | Get Ready With Me! ♥

Good morning loves! 

Valentine’s Day can be one of the most exciting days for one if they have a Valentine, and if not it can be the most dull.

Although who said you need to dress up and get ready for that one person? …

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