The one thing majority of us do not think about every single day, is how short life really is. If you really have a look at it, we’re really placed on this earth for what seems like a few odd years, yet we are expected to accomplish so much, whilst also having fun on the journey. Having said this, if we are determent & action is enforced upon us, for us to go from A to B, this should not be a problem. We can in fact, have the cake & eat it too.
Growing up, I was always more shy than confident, more reserved then loud. It wasn’t until I was around 19, I thought “why not be 100% yourself”, “why not be the loud, funny person you can be?”. I would literally question myself daily, asking “Lilian you are not going to see these people again..who even cares how you act & how they perceive you. Why don’t you be yourself?”
It was almost a strange magic experiment that occurred. On my 19th birthday I let go off my fear, I broke down those walls & almost instantly became the person I always wanted to be. However, this occurred only because of the steps I took prior to this point and it felt absolutely amazing.
I hope the below points help you in becoming the best unapologetic of yourself.
Acknowledge the issue & change
1: The first step to any change is acknowledging you have come across a wall or dead end and you need that change. Acknowledge the issue here and the change you want to create. Perhaps create a vision board, or a simple list of what you would love to change one day & visualize this change daily. Post it on your wall and memorize the steps, allow yourself to absorb all this information and get excited for these changes to actually take place.
Start Small
2: Now when people hear change, they almost automatically freak out. They think of instantly moving countries, going bold or any other huge life changing experience. All these are tasks that can be done, however you can start of small and build your way up high. Have you ever considered a hair change? however have been too scared to actually move forward with it? For so many years I would NEVER let go of my long black hair, however on my 19th birthday in fact, I went blonde and loved every second. Fast forward to this past week, I always wanted to try having a short black bob, however was way too chicken to actually do it. So I came across a site called Perfect Locks and fell in love.
I took a look at their website and saw all the amazing options I could have on my head and freaked out. Long hair, short hair, coloured hair, neutral hair…the list went on and I was excited. I thought for once I will be brave and I will dramatically change my appearance, to see how I feel and look and it worked.
I opted for a lace front wig that was natural and 100% remy human hair. Now don’t let my wig talk fool you; prior to this I really had no clue how wigs worked, what was known as the best “type” and how to wear one, so it was all new to me. However, Perfect Locks made it so easy for me. The site is so great to navigate on, gain information and buy from. It truly was easy peasy!
- Perfect Locks is known for their top quality remy hair
- Their hair is so silky and thick!
- Their prices range from $150 to $600 and its worth every cent!
- They carry lace front wigs which look and feel so natural and authentic.
- They have glueless wigs, with adjustable straps and clips.
Do Something that scares you
3: Ever since I was only 7 I knew I wanted to entertain audiences. Being a dancer since 3, I always loved performing ballet and dancing for audiences, however I didn’t know if I could get up and act in front of people, but that definitely was my dream. I always told myself, the day I start acting classes, is the day I may have a heart attack and pass out. Truly this is what I thought. Nothing scared me more or made me nervous. However in 2017, I thought i’d just bite the bullet. Because if not now when?!
Walking into that classroom was exhilarating, nerve racking, yet the most brilliant thing that I have ever done.I truly never felt more belonged in a room before and I wanted to breathe in and keep every second of that moment. Proves to show if you never try something new, you may not know how much you will actually fall in love with a new chapter of your life. So always give it a go!
Start taking care of yourself
4: When was the last time you exercised? The last time you pushed yourself to go to a class by yourself? If a “long time ago”, or “never” is your answer, you may need to work on that. They don’t say “exercise changes the way you think, move and act” for no reason! Have you ever finished working out and feeling like you can do ANYTHING? Now imagine having that feeling every single day. Wow right?!
It takes little effort and big results to push yourself out there and commit to a 20 minute workout, a dance class, or even a short yoga break. Your body and mind will truly thank you and you will be set for the day.
This will give you the perfect start to your morning and it will set the tone right. Do it, I dare you.
Be open to change
5: For this first 25 years of my life, I associated change with negativity. I truly did. It even makes me feel dumb typing this. However it made me the person I am today.
It was not until recently, where I paused for a second and looked around me and realized only then, how much I had changed as a person, how much my mindset had altered and the people I wanted around me. If you told me where I’d be in the present, who I’d have around me and what I’d do for a living, I would never believe you a few years ago. However, if we’re being honest, I’ve never been happier. The universe and God bring certain things into your life only when you’re ready. This is when the change occurs. They shift those around you, they challenge you and take you on a journey. This change needs to be embraced. It’s only then, that you will discover the real you. The “you”, you have been waiting for and its the most magical feeling. So be open to change, challenge yourself and throw yourself into the unknown. You will never regret it.

April 2, 2018Very intriguing view on actualizing life and pursuing your dreams. Definitely a must read and to share with others. LOVE IT!