The way you look and feel can completely change your mindset, your self-esteem and confidence. Looks are not what makes you attractive, wanted or needed, yet small changes can make you feel more powerful on the inside, mirroring your personality on the outside!
I’m sure you remember the last time you got a new hair cut, a new pair of shoes, or even a simple change of task in your daily routine, you felt more powerful, fresh and ready to tackle on anything, right?! Well I thought I’d help out and list 5 minor ways you can continue changing up and revamping your look. These will make you feel confident, powerful and fresh! Enjoy 🙂
1: This may sound like the biggest cliche in the books, however changing your hair from a simple, minor trim, to a new colour makes you feel like a whole different person. Hair is known to be like a security blanket for a lot of people, so it’s completely understandable if you have a hard time letting go of some of it (ahem ahem like me!). However last week I had a bit of a trim and colour touch up and I truly felt my confidence escalate. Now having said this, you should never rely on looks to make you feel superior than what you are, however it is a form of “help” when it comes to your self-esteem. You can think of this as an “extra tool” to add to your confidence. Right?!
Speaking of hair, if going to the hairdressers will cost you an arm and leg, in between hair appointments, you can always rely on Toppik!
Toppik is natural keratin hair fibers that make thinning hair thicker and bald spots fuller and it does this naturally too! It comes in a little/extremely light bottle, that you can take anywhere with you and pop into your handbag when needed; leaving you with instantly transformational results! It comes in a powder form and they have numerous colours to match your hair too. It’s inexpensive and using a little goes a long way. You can Thank me later! 😉
2: Cleaning up your look, with getting rid of unwanted facial and body hair, makes you feel and look instantly better! Little strays or fluff on your face, can be so easily removed with tweezers, waxing or threading and it literally only takes a few minutes to do this. You feel fresh, clean and ready for anything! Make sure you apply some sort of oil afterwords, to reduce the swelling or red and you’re ready to tackle anything thrown your way!
3: When you take care of your skin, it speaks volumes. If you don’t have a set skincare routine, you need to create one suitable for your personal skin. All it takes is an organic/natural cleanser, a toner and moisturizer. I have always loved my facial oils too and this helps prevent any skin aging and future breakouts too. Apply your skincare routine every morning and night and within a few weeks you will see the biggest difference.
4: Tweaking your daily makeup will instantly change your look. If you wear makeup, you probably tend to wear the same or similar looks day-to-day. If so, try switching up a few products or looks and have a play around with what you normally tend to do. You will notice the difference and so will others.
5: Now onto my favourite point. A lot of people think revamping your look, would only entail what’s on the outside, yet it all starts from the inside and feeling your best, in order to look your best. Exercising a few minutes a day has proven to change your mindset, your look and most importantly, your health. Take a spontaneous workout class, a random afternoon run, or grab your friends and do something fun like skating or play bowling. Once you start engaging in physical activity, it will begin changing your appearance, physically, as well as help you mentally.
Overall, know how powerful you are in life. Take charge of your day to day and you will
see the biggest results. Keep Smiling. Until next time.