This post is sponsored by J.ING All thoughts & opinions are my own.
We are all given such a beautiful opportunity to pursue our dreams , reach our goals, to love and be loved and simply live. However, sometimes things may get in our way. Weather this “thing” may be a road block, a person or a negative chapter…who knows?! However, we do have to try our best to keep moving forward and improving our quality of life.
Below are 10 very simple ways you can improve YOUR life and continue doing so, for several years to come.
1: Face Your Fears
The more you hide from certain things and tasks, will not make them automatically disappear! Instead they will be lurking in your headspace and taking up much needed & precious room. Face your fears, better yet conquer them. My mum always tells me to grab the bull by its horns and never be afraid of anything thrown my way. Nothing is ever given to you if you aren’t powerful enough to face it, head on right? So prove yourself wrong and take on a task that scares you, better yet terrifies you.
2: Fine tune your goals
When you’re younger, you always think you have plenty of time to achieve that goals, chase that dream, tick of “THAT” list, however, when you look at how short our life realistically is, this should make you RUN NOT WALK to your dreams! So sit down one afternoon and re write your goals, fine tune them and refine them into weeks, months and years. Focus on what’s more important and what can take the cake. Then figure out a way to reach them. Then write yourself a plan A to B and tackle that!
3: Ask for Wisdom
Growing up, I always thought how weak I’d look if I’d ever ask for help, or how much people may judge me if they knew I was asking for it? However, seeing my mum grow into such a powerful, driven and motivated person only made me question why she was the way she was and to answer my own question, was because she was never afraid to ask for help. She asked anyone and everyone “why, who, what, when & how” and she always achieved her end goal. So the next time you’re confused, uncertain of your next step..ask for help, people will look up to you and think “wow, she knows what she wants..kudos to her!”
4: Declutter
Now I’m sure you’ve heard of this, but have you tackled it head on yet?! I cannot emphasis how important this is! De- clutter your life, your friends, your clothes, your atmosphere and you will automatically feel amazing! There is nothing worse than having extra weight, let it be clothes, people or junk around you. It literally weighs you down and it also takes a tole on you emotionally, physically and mentally. Let go of these things, hold yourself back from certain people and I promise you, you will feel so much more stronger, powerful and clear minded.
5: Dress the part
Speaking of decluttering, once this is done, surround yourself with pieces of clothing that make you feel powerful, put together and confident! Once you get rid of the old, bring in the new! You can reward yourself easily this way. Have you ever heard of the saying “dress for the part, even if you don’t have it?” That is 100% true and it works! When you wake up every morning, throw on items that make you feel and look your best and get on with your day! I recently discovered J.ING and their great quality clothing. They have everything from dresses, to staple items and accessories. I picked up their denim dress and feel like I walked out of the 90s and can’t complain!
Shop what I’m wearing above- by visiting J.ING and use promo code LILIAN to get 30% off your entire purchase.
6: Inspire Yourself
Whether it’s with a TEDx talk, a podcast, or a chat with a friend. Inspire yourself to learn more, evolve your thinking and improve your mindset, your thoughts and understanding. For example, I can never get enough of TED talks, or certain Netflix documentaries. They inspire me and drive me to be the best person I can be and they work every single time.
7: Identify with things that make you feel “Stuck”
We’ve all been there. You feel inspired, driven and motivated one second and the other “stuck”. “What to do, where to go, who to reach out to?” This happens and you need to understand it’s not an “attack” on your goals or dreams. From time to time, you’ll feel as if you aren’t improving, you aren’t moving up the scale, however this happens in everyones career and journey. You have to stay focused and mentally prepared for roadblocks and to learn to let go and move on!
8: Focus on the NOW
I myself have had so many moments and think “what if this & what if that”, however how will any of this change your future? “Worry” will not alter any situation or change the circumstances. Instead, know your worth, know your power and focus on your present. It is way too precious.
9: Be Kind
Now I know this might sound cliche’. However be kind to strangers around you. To family, friends and your siblings. You never know what battle others are fighting, love them for who they are.
10: Positivity is key. Always
Everyone always asks me, “Lilian, why are you always so happy?”.The truth is I’m human and like everyone else, have good and bad days, but why not be happy all the time? why not celebrate life? It is so important to ALWAYS see the glass half full, because why would you not?
Until next time, Keep Smiling!