Good morning my loves!
So I’ve had such a busy weekend already..and it’s still Saturday! Lol
One of my best friend’s cousins came to visit us from Washington DC, so we took her to Koala Park in Sydney. It’s similar to a zoo, although you can interact with most of the animals; you get to feed them, pet them and cuddle them..the CUTEST place. Being a weirdo..I was kind of terrified of the kangaroos. It wasn’t my first time seeing one, although being that close to one, made me a little scared at first. Honestly they were the nicest cute and careful! Ow and not to forget..One of the most beautiful. They had the most amazing lashes!! LOL
How cute do they look in the pictures?! I fell in Love.
This made me realize how much we should appreciate where we live; and the fact that we should explore our backyards (countries), before travelling elsewhere. It was such a nice moment; knowing that all these animals living in Australia are our own and we should be grateful for that.
Hope you all continue to have a beautiful weekend.
Love Lilian x