So many times growing up, I had the idea of how much life would be easier, if I was only more confident, more positive and more powerful. Looking back I truly wish I took life less seriously and had fun. I wish I could understand and realize that ‘everything was going to be okay!” I wish I enjoyed school more.
Having said that, primary school and classes can be tough if you’re not in the right head space and not feeling so confident. It’s funny now, as so many people ask me “How come you’re so positive all the time?” , “What makes you confident and powerful?”.
I never drank a secret magic potion to feel this way (I wish I had one though), however, I learnt to understand the power one can entail and the beauty of life. It’s so important you never let anyone dim your light, your dreams, or goals. So I’ve learnt to “train and trick” myself into feeling more powerful, positive and confident and here’s what helped me. Hope this helps you too.
1: Your Appearance & Smell
Now reading this, you may think this makes no sense. However, let me ask you..the second you change your clothes and put on a little facial cream, or makeup and tidy up your hair, does this not make you feel instantly better about yourself?! Even if you are just going to lay down home all day and have a quite day in, make this a priority and I promise you, it will change your outlook on that day, your mood and drive.
Ever since I was young, mum taught us to look our best & smell our best, in order to do our best and it has seemed to stick with me. I came across a company called Sylvaine Delacourte & fell in love with their unique concept & brand.
I got a few products from them, including perfume, a candle and other scents and could not tell you enough at how surprised I was. They had scents that I had NEVER smelled before, which was so refreshing. They use plants and a lot of raw material to create their scents and like customizing their products to fit your particular needs and wants and I love that! Their site is affordable for their luxury products and they truly do make sure to cater to their customers, which is what I think is amazing in this day and age.
They have a bundle called the “$4 Discovery Experience”, where you can pick and choose a few scents in mini packs and it gets sent to you, for you to then order the larger perfume version of your choice. They’re understanding to their customers, which makes you want to keep going back to them.
Having said this, it is so important to create this aura around your home and yourself. Especially as I work from home, I like to start off my day right and in the right mindset. I light one of their candles, spray their perfume, get dressed and start my day. It makes the biggest difference. Try this yourself and let me know how you go!
Watch my video HERE to see the products I got!
2: The People Around You
Now I know you’ve heard this many times ahead, however this could not be more powerful. Have you ever realized even if you’re having the best day, if someone else is negative around you, it almost immediately affects you?! It’s true. It is so important to not only surround yourself with positive, driven people however to surround yourself with like-minded powerful and motivated people. At the end of the day you become a mirror of your family and friends and it’s important to have powerful figures around you at all times.
3: Create a Vision Of your Future
The day I created my vision board, must have been one of the most amazing days of my creative life! haha I actually mean this. So many things became manifested into my reality and seemed to become more of a “goal”, than a “dream”. They seemed to be more of a reality, than a distant dream. I stuck together a whole bunch of my “visions” on a board and began planning out how I was going to go from point A to B.
This has helped me immensely understand my vision to a greater extent and has helped me stay focused, confident and driven. If you don’t have a board I urge you to create one ASAP! Thank me later 🙂
4: Just Begin
You heard me, it’s as simple as that. So many times we create these scenarios in our head of “what if’s?” These scare us, intimidate us and make us too nervous to begin ANYTHING new, but not anymore. Make 2018 your year. Scare yourself with your confidence and drive. You can prove yourself wrong in so many ways and let your dreams becoming your reality be one of them. Sign up to that class, read that book, attend that seminar and make those friends. You NEVER know what will come out of it..so go!
5: Consistency
Whatever you do in life and make that particular task an ongoing aspect, it will eventually stick into your daily routine. Whether it has to do with life, health, a class or studies. The power is in your hands, you can make anything a part of your daily routine, if you continue doing the same task day after day. You become a custom to it, it becomes a habit and creates a natural instinct. So the hardest part, besides starting is sticking to it, Once this is done you are several steps closer to your dreams and goals. This will allow you to feel confident, powerful, motivated and driven.
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