Resting your body and mind can do wonders to your body and wellbeing. Did you know humans spend a third of their lives sleeping? That’s an average of 25 years of sleeping!
Some of us fall asleep when our head hits the pillow and for others it takes mediation, soothing sounds and a certain scent to get some shut eye. So being a professional insomniac, I have listed below 4 things that have personally helped me relax and get a good nights rest! Hope they help you as much as they’ve helped me 🙂

1: Wind Down
Now you may have heard this a lot, but have you implemented it? This means detaching yourself from bright screens including, tv, laptops, your mobile and other devices, 60 minutes before bed. This ensures you body knowing its time for some rest. Now this can be difficult if you want to catch up on some Netflix, but try reading in bed instead and leave the tv for a few hours before bedtime. This can help you a ton!
2: Z Patch
Back in October, a company called Klova Z Patch reached out to me and asked me to trial their sleeping patches. Now I had never tried something like this before, but because I was sleeping at 3:30-4:00 am every day, I was willing to give it a shot. I did my research and discovered apparently 50 Million people in the US alone, have a sleeping problem and sleep problems can affect your health and happiness. It takes away from your full potential and strength.

The patches came in a pack of 28 and last for a while, as you only use 1 patch a day. They are filled with melatonin and naturally occurring ingredients to ensure you have a great overnight rest. They’re 100% drug free and they make sure you’re well rested for 4 whole weeks. You can place the patch anywhere from your back (like mine), to your arms, your hips or thighs. The process takes literally a few seconds, yet it helps you immensely in the long run.

You need to place the patch 1 -2 hours before bed and remove it 8 hours later, after your sleep. You will notice a difference once you start using it and will be well rested to start your day! I began using mine after dinner and noticed they not only made me more calm, but the patches helped me STAY asleep and not sleep like a rabbit (with one eye open) which I’ve been known to do since I was a toddler.
I began testing out the patches a few weeks ago now and started seeing a difference in them calming me down. My results seems to become better with time, so give them a go for a week and see how you like it!
3: Relaxation Bath
Nothing makes you more sleepy than a hot bath, or hot shower. It repairs your muscles and relaxes your tissues right before bed. This helps you calm down after a crazy day. So run yourself a hot bath, pop on some slow music and don’t forget to have the right scents around you! Lavender helps big time!
4: Meditate
For several years, so many of my close friends ( that were into fitness and health) told me to meditate, but I kept pushing it off and didn’t think I’d ever have a reason to meditate. It wasn’t until early last year, that I began listening to Alan watts and meditating, that I noticed a huge difference spiritually and mentally. Just the way your car needs petrol, you cannot mentally focus for 24-hours straight at your day job, without resting your mind and your body. Your body needs a break to chill and calm down, so it can conquer the next day and meditation helps with this.
Pop on your favourite podcast, or music that helps inspire you meditate and zone out. You can even meditate for 2 minutes if time is an issue, but get it done!
Sleep is vitally important when it comes to refreshing and reviving the body and mind. I hope the above pointers can help you out, alongside the Z Patch. Find it HERE and let me know your thoughts!
Here’s to more sleeping in 2019..the perfect Christmas gift!
Until next time, Keep Smiling!