Organizing your closet can be a tedious task. It can take hours and may seem more like a chore.
However if done the right way, you can create this amazing space to help you feel inspired, become organized and much more driven.
As some of you may know, I recently moved from a house, to an apartment ..(on the other side of the world). Space became a huge factor! Space that I had taken for granted for nearly 20 years, became a necessity now. So for now, living in my current situation temporality, I thought I could go about this in 2 ways.
One, I could either leave everything as is and continue feeling miserable and disorganized, or two, I could take use of this situation and find my own way to become inspired, organized and motivated within my space again.
So naturally, I opted for option B! 🙂
I discovered such amazing websites and decor’ ideas, that left me inspired to organize!
Below I have attached my Top organizational tips and storage ideas!
I hope they help you!
PS: Don’t forget to have a look out for the special CODES! 😉
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It is so important to have a cleanse of things you may not need.
Items that you haven’t worn, pieces that may not fit, or anything for that matter, that may not make you happy..these need to GO!
Once these things are out.. now you’ll have more space to organize what you do love and we can start from here! 🙂

Organize items and pieces into certain categories.
As a Full Time Beauty blogger and YouTuber, You can imagine the amount of things I have laying around.
From products, to clothing and accessories. So I went through all of these and had a cleanse.
Once this was done, I found this AMAZING website called Origami Rack and ordered a few top notch pieces! What I absolutely LOVED about this website, was the fact that all their products were easily to accessible. They didn’t need a screwdriver, a hammer or anything, they were ready TO GO!

For all my beauty products that I had to review and blog, I decided to pop them onto this 6 level shelf.
- Top shelf was products I had to still review
- 2nd was skincare that I was testing out
- 3rd was all hair products
- 4th was Shower related items
- The last 2 were beauty products I had to Blog about.

Overall, It can be a difficult task to remove items you may not need.. (Hello..Lilian’s Miss Hoarder here!)
However, you need to ask yourself a few questions here..
- Have you worn this item in the past year?
- Do you really need 10 of the same shoes in different colours?
- Does that top actually fit you?