Sister Love.

My sister is the only person I can tell on in the morning
and giggle with by the afternoon.
She was my first confidant and my closest companion
and she will always be my precious friend.

Love Lilian x

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Tips on How to Store Jewelery!!!!

So basically one of the first things I tend to look at while walking in someones room, is how they decorate & store certain things! Jewellery is definetly one of them i must say. The way you store it can impact the way your room might look. It can easily create a sense of …

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1000 Subscriber straightener- Jewellery- Makeup Giveaway!!!!!!!!

This is crazy you guys! I cannot thank you guys more for always supporting, commenting and “Liking” my videos!! it means the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
So i decided to have a INTERNATIONAL giveaway!! WOOOOOOOOOO =] So there will be a first second & …

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New Media & my new Fb page!!

It’s so weird once you think about it, it was only a few years ago when Facebook, YouTube and Twitter among other popular social media websites weren’t available for us! They have not only created a globalized community..although have ensured us all with the power, the voice and the opportunity to create our very …

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How to become more beautiful.

Beauty isn’t what you wear…what you drive…who you know..what you earn..where you go or what brand you own…

Beauty is not to judge.
Always remain Genuine.
To keep secrets.
Stay Loyal.
Give compliments.
Do deeds.
Give back to those in need.
its …

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My Armenian Dance Concert & The importance of Heritage!

As most of you know I do have an Armenian cultural background; being born and raised in Australia though has distanced me from my cultural heritage. Although my mum wanting me to still be apart of the Armenian culture, she enrolled me in Armenian traditional …

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