Review: March GlossyBox

I filled my cup with a teaspoon of honey and impatiently waited for the kettle to boil.

My hot English breakfast tea sitting on one side of the table, and my bowl of fruit on the other..What other perfect way can one blog?! ..I must …

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The creative Bug: Re decorating my room!


Happy Saturday to all my lovely readers!

So if you follow me on Twitter, you’d know last weekend, I had the biggest erg to re-organize my room and kind of change the settings around a bit. The …

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Review: Seal‐to‐Clear Gel from Clearasil

Have you ever wanted to replace the skin on your face, or a part of area..and simply have the powers to “seal off” any imperfections, pimples or bacteria? Well well well ..have I found a holy grail product for you!

A few weeks ago I was kindly given the new Clerasil …

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Outfit Of the Day: Color Blocking!!

Hello my beauties!!

It’s currently 9:30 at night and its pouring rain!!! I know I know…I have no idea why the weather is so bipolar…And summer supposedly JUST finished!

Anyway, so if you have been a long time reader, or …

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The most Beautiful Kangaroo.

Good morning my loves!

So I’ve had such a busy weekend already..and it’s still Saturday! Lol

One of my best friend’s cousins came to visit us from Washington DC, so we took her to Koala Park in Sydney. It’s …

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