Happy Friday Beauties! Fridays have been one of my favorite days since I was a child; although I’m sitting here typing with my left ankle bandaged and lifted higher than my body with ice on it. Yes, unfortunately 2 days ago as I was exercising, I twisted it. I have to admit I am quite thankful as the colour of my ankle has revolved going back to its natural colour, from being blue in the last 2 days.
It also surprises me out of all the time this could happen to me (not that I wish it did happen ever), my ankle decided to rotate itself during a busy week that was planned…And weekend. Let’s just hope I’m a trooper 😉 lol
Now that to one side, a few weeks ago I was sent the EcocoCosmetic Glove in the mail. To be honest my first impression of the glove after having read what its purpose was, I was not just confused, although skeptical about why someone would try to remove makeup using simply a glove and water?!
Besides removing makeup, the Ecoco Cosmetic Glove promises to give a mini scrub or peel to the face. And with the amount of chemicals we tend to use daily on our skin, this can be a nice reward and break for ones skin.
Trying it within the past few weeks numerous times after nights out; I must admit I felt my skin had also been removed from the dead skin cells it may have had. Removing my makeup with just water and the glove itself, my skin in fact felt softer, with a new, fresh layer applied to it.
Let me know if you have ever tried the Ecoco Cosmetic Glove before? What are your thoughts?!
Adore you all, Until next time
Keep Smiling
Love Lilian x