Her Fashion Box: June Review!!

Hi Loves!!
Hope everyone is having a beautiful Tuesday, all snuggled up if you’re in Australia!
I’m sitting here with the usual tea to my left side and oats on my right. Even though its casually nearly 5 pm, I was just …
Hello Beauties!
Happy Saturday Lovelies!!
I must say, I have always had a “thing” for Saturdays.
Since I was little, I would literally look forward to this day so much, to the extent I would get butterflies thinking about the day. Weird I know.
Hello Hello my Beauties!!
I cannot believe this past week went so by quickly. It also included my 23rd birthday, alongside many other events that took place!!
Firstly I would like to Thank each and everyone of you for wishing my a …
Hello my Beauties!
I am so glad to be able to sit down and blog this post, as I’m excited to share this video with you guys!
I recently discovered the sweet, chic and beautiful Ariana Grande from a Nickelodeon TV Show and decided to …