Good morning my Beauties!
I just finished my first cup of coffee and I feel great.. a matter of fact..AMAZING! 🙂
So I thought I should begin the day off with a post, that will hopefully help some of you!
We get it..working out can be tough. Staying motivated can be a task in itself. However, if you surround yourself with inspiring things, sayings and mantras, the rest will fall into place.
I truly believe once you begin working out and eating healthy, you feel so powerful, much more driven and larger than life itself! So its all WORTH.IT.
1: Create a goal
It’s as simple as creating a goal. The goal itself does not have to be huge. Set a realistic goal, yet don’t be afraid to challenge yourself.
Step outside your comfort zone and begin your journey in health and fitness! It can be as simple as eating clean for 2-3 days a week, to begin with!
2: Have a mini shopping spree when it comes to workout gear!
I always find, if I buy new gym clothes, this makes me want to workout more and I become excited to attend the gym! (Crazy I know right?)
I recently came across a brilliant site called ellie.com and I had no idea what to expect. However, when the below box arrived at my doorstep, I was gobsmacked!! I was SO excited to open this beautifully packaged rose-gold parcel!

So if you have been living under a rock.. 😉 Ellie is a subscription service that occurs once a month for people interested in new, cute and chic activewear pieces and products!
Each month subscribers receive items that are specifically designed to meet their needs & wants. So it is VERY personal! Colours, sizes and pieces all tend to change, from person to person.
- You receive 5 curated pieces for $49.95
- Every box contains items, including a sports bra, a top, leggings and 2 pieces of fitness equipment! 🙂
- Delivery is quick & easy and the staff is lovely!