Outfit Of The Day: What to wear on a Date!! -Red Blazer & Tight Jeans!

So as we all know, going on a date can be a terrifying thing! One of the most common mistakes would be stressing, wearing inappropriate clothing that would make you uncomfortable, or just being too nervous …

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Beyoncé – “Countdown” Official Music Video Inspired Makeup Tutorial

Hey beautiful people!! I came across Beyonce’s new video clip..and clearly thought it was ahhmaazzinnng!! Ummm pretty sure she was pregnant in the video..and she completely still rocked it!! WOW! So I decided to recreate the look my way! …

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Outfit of the day: Maxi dresses & cute Jumpsuits!!

So we all have those days were you don’t know what to wear..you’re scared to do something out of the ordinary..well i was having one of those moments..then i realized pshht its so much better to stand out anyway!! So while attending a wedding, i decided to team up my gorgeous brown heels that were …

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Sydney IMATS 2011!

On the 24th of Sep i decided.. (very last minute) to go to IMATS with my mum..being my first time i really didn’t know what to expect, though i went knowing I’d probably have a good time! Honestly not …

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Hey beautiful people! I just thought I’d share with you all a few of the pictures from the photo shoot i did back in February for a makeup company called “Mystique Beauty”, along with a promotional shoot for a clothing one called …

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Outfit of the day: Leather tights & Blazers!!!!

So you all know by now my obsession with blazers!! they are perfect for a chic’ look to basically any outfit!! A black well fitted blazer, along with a unique feature (similar to lady gaga style) shoulder padding’s can also attract more attention & will definitely do the trick! …

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