Nothing is Impossible.

I’ve always been one of those people who try to look at the positive side of things in life, the reason behind an event, an argument, a fail. One might say its just a cliched thought, a saying and an attitude embedded in ones head; although its much more.

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How to get longer & healthier Hair & Nails!

First of all…


I want to take this time to mention how much i really do appreciate your comments/likes and emails. I’m so grateful to have amazing viewers and readers like all of you! I hope everyone has had a beautiful New Years …

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CHRISTMAS GIVEAWAY!! Swarovski Crystal earrings + Outfit of the Day: Leather top & High waisted pants!!!

Hello my beautiful readers! It’s currently 3.33am in Sydney and I’m flying out to Melbourne at 7 am!!! CRAZY I KNOW! I was planning on sleeping for a few hours..but apparently my sister had plans of her own -__- haha
Anyway I find it crazy that I’m reaching 3000 subbies …

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Selena Gomez Inspired Outfit Of The Day: Short Yellow dress + ANNOUNCEMENT!!!

Hello my pretties! Well I was at a baby shower a few weeks ago (when it was sunny in Sydney) we’re back to winter apparently loll, anyway i wore this short yellow dress. It was inspired by Selena Gomez. She tends to wear a lot …

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WINNERS for 1000 Subscriber Giveaway & Outfit of the day: Leather corset & pink skirt!!!!!!

Hey my beauties!! The weather in Sydney has had a 360 degree complete change, as crazy as it sounds its meant to be summer now..but I’m currently wearing 3 layers of clothing!! Lets hope we see the suns beautiful rays soon! =] So i was so excited to announce the …

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Outfit Of The Day: Little Black dress & denim short shorts!!!!


So as you all know i adore my blazers, although on Saturday night i decided to switch it up a bit and bring out the Little Black Dress “LBD”! I’m so excited as summer is coming along very soon, so the black dress or any “little dress” i guess …

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