Hello my Loves!
Just sipping on my Tea, as I do when I blog and listening to old school R & B! What more can I ask for?!
Hope you’re all well =]
I received this month’s “Lust Have it” a few weeks ago, but I wanted to try out the products before I reviewed them. First of all I want to start off by just saying…DAMN the entire package smelt AHH-MAA-ZING! (Just saying) The smell of coconut oil and vanilla from the LUSH piece in the makeup bag, took over my entire house. Whoever has been walking in my house for the past few weeks, always asks what is that beautiful smell and where is it coming from!? So Beautiful.

My Top Lust Haves for May (besides the LUST Soap) was the OPI By Nicole nail polish, The Eco Therapist Calming Shampoo & Conditioner and the Model Co lip-gloss. Have you tried any of these before?
By the way how cute are they, that they included a Mother’s Day Blank gift card as well!! Hehe
Adore you all
Keep Smiling
Love Lilian x

May 23, 2012in my pack my eyeshadow exploded… 🙁 not happy.. oh well! 🙂
May 23, 2012ow no ! =[