If you take a look at a persons personality, “confidence” is a powerful force that can highly differentiate one person, to another. It gets people what they want, it allows them to dream, to achieve and live their lives much more positively. It all comes down to confidence. You either get what you want, or you don’t.
Growing up, I may have been one of the shyest people. I know looking at my videos and my social platfroms, that may be hard to believe, however it was my reality. These steps below helped me and still help me to get to where I want to be.
I hope they inspire you too.
1: Find your goal and focus on what you want.
Sometimes we tend to overcomplicate things and create a bigger issue than what we have. You need to always remember, creating a clutter free zone and headspace will allow you to think much more clearer. This applies for your goals as well. Create a vision of your goals and dreams. Then create points on how to get from A to B. This may take you days, weeks, months or years, however now that you have a plan, you are half way there. This will bring you confidence and positivity from the start.
2: Act as if it’s already yours
Growing up, my mum would always tell me to “play pretend” if I was shy or nervous. “Lilian pretend you’re acting when you go to school”, “pretend you’re a famous actress when you say your speech in front of the class”. She always told me to act as if my dreams were my reality and it helped me every single time.
If you think it, you believe it and you make it your reality. This comes down to anything, trust me! So, walk with confidence, talk with power and communicate with a force no one has ever seen. People will be attracted to you and they wouldn’t even know how or why.
3: Listen, but do not take in other opinions
Every single person on this planet has an opinion and they are entitled to it and so are you. However, if you sit back and listen to every single one of those thoughts, you will never get out of bed, move or walk anywhere. If I had a dollar for every single time someone told me “No”, I would be a multimillionaire by now. Sometimes you just have to go with your gut instinct, your faith and passion.
4: Be Humble
When you truly are confident and successful, you don’t go around bragging about it to others. Just the way if someone is truly happy, they don’t go around telling everyone how blessed they are. Act humble. Care for things that matter, love those around you and make sure your feet are planted on the floor. There is no other turn off, bigger than someone that has a huge ego. It’s not attractive.
5: Know you will fail at times
This is life, it’s our reality. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Be prepared for both, however always have in mind if something is meant to be yours, it will. I believe our futures are written out and it’s our job to go from point A to B and figure out the core. Once you fail, get up, dust yourself off and try again ? (thanks Aaliyah;)
6: Be overwhelmingly positive
People always ask me “why are you always so happy Lilian?” and my answer is always “why not be?!” Why do we dwell on things we cant change, why do we worry about things that we have no control over? Worry about you. Worry about your dreams, your goals, your desires and I promise you, you will be much more confident, positive and powerful.
7: Take pride in your appearance
Have you realized if you’re having a bad day, you’re most likely to be in your pajamas on the couch? That old saying of “even if you’re having a bad day, get up, get dressed and show up”..is real! I always take pride in getting dressed and showing up to events, meetings and dates, even when I do not want to move. Maybe its the voice of my mums in my head saying “Lilian get up”, or maybe its just me forcing myself, but I make sure I’m there! Even when I apply a little bit of makeup, get dressed casually and throw on some fancy jewelry, I immediately feel better and put together! I recently came across a lovely company called Ana Luisa and received a beautiful necklace and earnings. Each designer they work with, previously worked with brands like Alexander Wang and Ralph Lauren to name a few. Their jewelry is handcrafted, with high quality pieces for the everyday life. Maybe I love their pieces because it reminds me of the jewelry my mum wore in the 90s? However they are so beautiful, so elegant and chic. The jewelry I picked came in beautiful individual bags and are perfect to be styled, for the day or night. Ana Luisa was kind enough to give my beautiful audience a discount code for $15 off! Use the code “LILIAN15” – click HERE.
8: Take care of your body
Confident people know what’s important and what’s valuable to them. Whether its a 30 minute gym session, a hike, a dance class or pilates. Take pride in what moves you, what gives you strength and power. Move your body, sweat, dance and see how amazing you feel and look!
9: Smile
Body language and how you feel on the inside, should showcase how you look on the outside. If you’re confident, you’re always smiling, your’e walking with great posture and without a doubt in the world. Even if you may not feel this within, “fake it, till you feel it!” Have you noticed the more you slouch and frown, you almost automatically feel down and depressed and when you do the opposite you feel incredible..try it. I dare you.
Until Next time
Keep Smiling!